My Why
I wanted to officially welcome you and let you know that I am stoked you found me. If you’ve perused my home page, you know that I am a multi-passionate creative and I dig food and fiction; however, I am so much more than that. As we all are. If you take a peek at my Manifesto and you’ll get a better understanding of my core values.
One of my biggest beliefs is:
The most important work you will do in this life, is the work you do on yourself.
It is an ever-evolving pursuit and my personal life’s work. I crave growth, stimulation and spirituality. They are the foundations of who I am. Behind all the foodscapes and the literary adventures, at the heart of this site, is self-care. It’s diving into our talents as a way to nourish the soul. My favorite thing about food and fiction is that they are best shared together. Self-care in service of others, doesn’t get much better than that.
These sections right here are what have kept me from starting this a long time ago. I’ve been researching how to create a blog for years. I keep finding that ‘you have to be clear on your why’ or ‘you should know your target audience and detailed information about who they are’ but what if I don’t know that? So I didn’t start because according to the internet, I’m not ready. I’m so sick of rules guys. All I know is that I’m meant to be here. I may not be clear on my why, but I can tell you that waiting to find it can actually keep you from your dreams. Sometimes you have to just trust your gut and hope to find your purpose along the way. Start by doing right? I don’t believe anyone has their shit together and I’m starting to think that maybe I don’t want to be one of those people anyways. I have a lot to learn about being an inspirational leader but this I know, be real. THAT I can promise you above all else. I don’t know how to be any different.
At least I can tell you that starting a blog helps you to let go of perfection. If I’d waited for perfection, I’d never have showed up. Cheers to throwing out the rules. I’ve never been happier being so unprepared. This is going to be fun friends.
Now for some more fun stuff, just because. I love knowing quirks about my friends. They are the tiny bits of gold I find when getting to know people and I want you to know just what you are getting into with me. For better or worse.

The Odd Snippets:
I add an extra minute when microwaving popcorn so I can eat the burnt bits at the bottom. Char + butter = flavor.
I can’t stand it when my fingers gets wrinkled if I’m in a shower or pool for too long. I absolutely won’t touch my towel until my hands go back to normal. It’s like nails on a chalk board for me. NOPE!
I have a major man crush on Ron Swanson from Parks and Recreation. “Normally, when given the choice between doing something and doing nothing, I choose nothing. But I will do something if it helps someone else do nothing. I’d work all night if it meant nothing got done” is a life motto.
My right ear is higher so my glasses always slant down to the left.
If you’re one of those people that leaves crumbs in your butter, get out. Right now. Run. We cannot be friends.

A Note About My Recipes
I could not follow a recipe if my life depended on it. In fact, my Father used to tease me about it when I’d make time trusted family recipes and always tweak them. Recipes = guidelines in my book and that is how I write them. I use measurements like Pinches, Handfulls or Dashes. The key is to taste your food along the way and add as much or as little as you think it needs. I will of course guide you on cooking methods and flavoring combinations….but it would absolutely make my day if you adapted them to suite your palate. Bonus points for coming back and letting me know how you’ve changed it so I can try it too. Up for the challenge?
Check out my most looked at recipes:
10 Cooking Hacks You Aren’t Using
How I Review Books
My book reviews don’t have a rating system. They either earn a permanent spot on my bookshelf and find a home or they don’t. To quote Erin Morgenstern: “Not all stories speak to all listeners, but all listeners can find a story that does, somewhere, sometime. In one form or another.” While some stories touch me more than others, I do believe there is value in ALL stories. Mostly I review how the author made me feel, the vibe of the story. That way if you are a moody reader like me, you can choose a book based on how you want to feel vs how many stars it would earn. To be fair, there are some books I can’t get into. That doesn’t mean it’s not a good story just that I didn’t resonate with those specific vibes or that I didn’t feel anything noteworthy. Those will be marked as DNF or Did Not Finish but don’t let them deter you from possibly finding your own value in it.
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