10 Bookish Accounts You Should Be Following on IG

I’m always late to the party and often find myself behind the curve when it comes to anything current…..but somehow I stumbled upon bookstagrammers. Guys, it changed my life.

Bookstagrammers belong to a community within Instagram who share their common love of the written word. This little corner is filled with in-depth conversations about recent literary adventures, author chats, reviews of ARCs so we know what to look forward to and give aways. It’s filled with gorgeous book photography and cozy images declaring their love of books. It’s everything I had always wished for but didn’t know existed until now. (This is what I get for not wanting to jump on the social media train…..)

This community is full of some amazing creatives and I can’t help but brag about them. Not all of them know me, but I am huge fans of theirs. Not only do these wonderful souls help me find my next amazing read but they inspire me to push my photography in ways that keep me motivated. These artists, photographers and beautiful creatives definitely deserve a spot in your feed. Click on their names at the top to visit their pages.

1. @paperbackbones

I just adore Tes! She is the creative behind @paperbackbones and she is super fun! Not only do I love her aesthetic but her sense of humor is brilliant in my humble opinion. She has wonderful taste in fiction and is known for the popular hashtag #tesmademedoit because people all over IG are picking up the books she suggests and loving them. She often hosts giveaways and provides in-depth reviews on her reads so you always know what you are getting into. And trust me, you’ll want to get into anything Tes has to offer.

2. @owlcrate

Owlcrate is a book subscription box filled with current YA reads and all kinds of bookish goodies. I love following them and being involved in their community. I am a customer of theirs and their book box is my favorite part of getting mail as an adult. They have really creative themes every month and items to swoon over for bookish fandoms. Just look at those exclusive playing cards from the ADOM series…..just gorgeous. Even if you aren’t a customer, I recommend following them if you have a soft spot for YA Fiction. They have a track record of picking some pretty kick-ass books to add to your TBR.

3. @goodwomanofthewoods

Speaking of soft spots, I have a huge one for Adrienne’s account. I fall in love with ‘dark & moody’ every time I see a post of hers. If I was to have a bookstagram hero, it would be her. I love that she keeps us up to date on the year’s most anticipated releases, so I can get jazzed about what’s ahead in the book world. I also love her taste when it comes to bookish accessories and she is definitely responsible for half my bookish purchases. And I don’t regret a single one of them. I could dote about this account all day, but I’m telling ya….follow her and you’ll find out for yourself. Guaranteed you’ll be a fan.

4. @twinklesandstars

This fierce Queen is Cassie and her account is stunning. I love the way she expresses herself, both verbally and with her creativity. She is also on a self-love journey and I can relate to that. I was to describe her as a drink, it would be a Fireball. Warm, comforting, and a whole lotta spice! Also, if you’re a bit on the naughty side her smut book recommendations are on point. She honestly reminds me of me, or at least how I aspire to be: She’s bold and unapologetic and I’m here for ALL of it.

5. @cantstop.wontstop.reading

Amanda is a rockstar in the bookstagram world in my opinion. I always refer to her as The Queen of Flatlay Images. I love how she uses such bold colors in her images and is a complete genius with her arrangements. My favorite part is that she’s extremely personal and takes time to comment and engage with her followers. I always nerd out a little when she replies to a comment of mine….such a simple thing yet most accounts don’t do that. She’s pretty amazing!

6. @thedarklingone

Meet Annhelen, a fellow Slytherin and book nerd. I love that her images are cozy, simple and clean. Her blog is gorgeous too, definitely worth the add. I found the author V.E. Schwab through her book recommendations and for that I will forever be thankful. Her followers are Darklings, and they are a wonderful community of like-minded and sweet people ready to nerd out on their current reads. Proud to be a Darkling.

7. @chelseareads_

Chelsea is a new friend of mine and people like her are the reason why I joined Instagram in the first place. She is kind, raw, emotive, and genuine. This girl is a beast! I practically begged her to read a book with me so I can gush about it with her and she didn’t even hesitate before ordering it. ::hello new book bestie!:: I can’t say enough about how much I adore her as a person, let alone her gorgeous feed and book taste.

8. @wickedwhimsyboutique

Jane…I think I love you. This girl right here just tugs at my dark heartstrings and I’m OBSESSED with her shop. Every time I see her posts I want to run into my room and put on some dark lipstick in solidarity. I love her flare, spirit and the way she writes. She is super friendly and very approachable too, sweet and sassy. If there was any bookish shop I’d recommend you support, it would be hers. Go check out her shop, like right meow. She herself is beautiful, dark and lovely.

9. @helena.moore

Helena is a kind and soft soul, much a refection of her work from what I can tell. She pushes herself creatively and I find her work so original. She stands out to me as an unbelievable artist. While her content is more lifestyle than book oriented, she takes photos of books so I’m sold. The vibe of her page kind of makes me feel like the hazy fantasy worlds I experience when reading anyways. Real life, but dreamier.

10. @rusticpages

Kat is the embodiment of perfection when it comes to bookstagram feeds. She is thoughtful about her arrangements and personable with her comments. She’s so freaking adorable I like want to adopt her. Her feed is a MOOD and it resonates with me. I’ve met a lot of friends through her page, all met within warm conversation inspired by Kat’s epic captions. Kat’s page is more of a community and I couldn’t be happier to have found her. Instant add in my book.

That wraps up my top 10! I hope you take some time to go check out their feeds and better yet, say hello!

For an added bonus, here some of my favorite hashtags to follow so you can fill your feed with all the bookish glory of Instagram! There are some wonderful accounts using these tags and a great way to find some of your new favorite accounts.

#booksandbeans, #bookaesthetic, #bookcommunity, #coffeeandbooks, #bookishlove

There are so many talented accounts out there, I have yet to discover nearly a fraction of them. Who makes your top 10? Do you follow any of these accounts or have any additional ones to recommend? I’d love to hear any suggestions you have. 🙂

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